Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience: Manifestations of Stroke

Paciaroni M, Agnelli, Caso V, eds.  Manifestations of Stroke.  Series:  Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience. Vol 30.  Karger 2012, 206 pages, $233.

This book is part of the Frontiers of Neurology and Neurosurgery series and, as the title indicates, it includes in the most basic form the manifestations of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. It is a 205-page publication composed of 45 short chapters which describe the common stroke syndromes.

The authors wisely divided the book into 2 major sections. The first section involves specific neurologic disorders such motor/sensory syndromes, confusion, memory dysfunction, dizziness, impaired consciousness, dysarthria, and the like. The second section describes regional stroke syndromes such as LS infarcts, hemispheric syndromes, watershed infarcts, stroke related to certain vascular distributions, and so forth.

For a neuroradiologist there would be interest only in reviewing the clinical correlations of stroke patterns. The imaging which is shown is accurately described but some areas deserved far more illustrative material. For example, they have a 4-page write up of spinal cord infarction without even showing an image of an infarct, and, worse yet, a chapter on venous infarction with no example of an MRV or the pattern of venous infarction (cortical vein or sinus) on imaging.

The authors did not aim their book at neuroradiologists and in this they succeeded.

Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience: Manifestations of Stroke