Normal Findings in CT and MRI

Normal Findings in CT and MRI. T.B. Moeller & E. Reif, authors. Thieme; 2000, 250 pages, 210 radiographs, $44.95.

As a companion to Normal Findings in Radiography, this pocket-sized 250-page book, Normal Findings in CT and MRI, written by Drs Moeller and Reif, introduces the reader to basic CT and MR imaging anatomy. The first quarter of the book deals with CT of the head and neck, chest, abdomen, and spine while the remaining three quarters deal with MR imag­ing of the head and neck, chest, abdomen, spine, joints, and other areas where MR angiography is useful. There are numer­ous measurements, most of which are never used in clinical radiology, such as the height of the frontal sinus or the width of the lateral rectus muscle or the Jones-Thomson ratio of the spine (I never heard of this before). The authors spent too much time and space on numeric minutia when they could have pointed out more salient anatomy. Although neuroradi­ologists will not be interested in this short book, those who provide medical student courses in radiology may wish to have it and its sister book on radiography available as a student resource for the different subspecialties in radiology.

Normal Findings in CT and MRI