Interventional Neuroradiology: Now in MEDLINE

Most of you know that last year AJNR entered a cooperative agreement with Interventional Neuroradiology (IN).  Since AJNR accepts very few case reports and technical notes, we encourage the authors of these types of articles to send them to our “sister” journal, IN.  Many prospective authors can rest assured that their articles will be thoroughly and fairly evaluated by Dr. Karel terBrugge and his editorial team. Through the efforts of Dr. Marco Leonardi who publishes IN the journal is now indexed in MEDLINE making it more important, relevant, and useful.  IN is now in its 15th year of publication and circulates worldwide.  IN is the official journal of the World Federation of Therapeutic and Interventional Neuroradiology and several other major neurointerventional societies and appears quarterly. Its website is:  I congratulate IN for its indexing in MEDLINE.   In the 2011 January issue of AJNR an editorial describing what is needed for a journal to be indexed will be published (this article will appear within a few weeks from today in the publication preview section of AJNR).  As the reader will then be able to understand, achieving indexing is a highly selective, competitive and complex process.

Interventional Neuroradiology: Now in MEDLINE
Mauricio Castillo
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