We are proud to announce that our IF continues to grow. Other journals such as Radiology and Stroke had a lower IF this time compared to last year. In order to increase AJNR’s IF even more we need to eliminate Case Reports. Looking at ones that we published last year it is important for our contributors to realize that they basically received no citations in the literature. As of Friday, July 1st, 2011, we will no longer accept this type of articles for review. All Case Reports will be automatically returned to their corresponding authors. We encourage all such authors to send their Case Reports to Neurographics, our sister journal dedicated to education. We will review all Case Reports now in the system and those submitted until June 30. For the time being, we will continue to publish select Technical Notes but we want our contributors to know that they too receive nearly no citations so it is highly likely that we will discontinue them in the near future. Our goal is to assure not only the scientific quality of AJNR but also its future in academic libraries, many of which base their subscriptions on bibliometric measures such as the IF. Our contributors also like to submit to those journals with the highest IFs which is our goal.
AJNR’s New Impact Factor: 3.46
Congratulations! Well deserved.