Update Your Manuscript Central Account with an ORCID iD

More AJNR authors are adding Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) identifiers to their profiles every day. Taking the time to register or associate an existing ORCID iD with your Manuscript Central account will ensure that all your published articles are properly linked through this central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers. We encourage all authors to associate an ORCID iD with their Manuscript Central account. ORCID registration is voluntary but will be required for submission beginning in April 2015.

To add an iD in Manuscript Central, please go to the Corresponding Author Center and use the drop-down menu under your name at the upper right to select “Email/Name.”


This will show you links you can follow to register with ORCID, add your existing identifier, or read more about the program.


Update Your Manuscript Central Account with an ORCID iD