Clinical practice guidelines and clinical practice parameters are among the tools that clinicians and radiologists use to inform decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Radiologists have been urged to objectively establish their value and measurable contributions to patient care. Radiology’s contribution to the health care value stream can be established in the development of sound clinical practice guidelines. Neuroradiologists have been quite active in developing clinical guidelines, particularly in collaboration with the American College of Radiology, but there is a need to increase the visibility and accessibility of such documents. Increasing access and visibility can contribute to improved patient outcomes and an improved overall quality of care.
Read this article: http://bit.ly/2MRkfhs
Fellows’ Journal Club
The authors suggest that practitioners gain a high degree of familiarity with accessing practice parameters. Doing so will provide additional reference and access to the practice parameters when medical literature searches are undertaken or when questions arise regarding best practices. Such an approach will ensure that future neuroradiology clinical guidelines or technical standards documents are provided as broad an exposure as possible. This effort could enhance the visibility and accessibility of the quality of practice for neuroradiologists, provide needed clinical guidance to practice state-of-the-art neuroradiology/radiology, and ensure the visibility of our valuable contributions to both individual patient care and collective patient outcomes.