Pediatric Otolaryngology: Practical Clinical Management

Clarke RW. Pediatric Otolaryngology: Practical Clinical Management;Thieme 2018;416 pp; 454 ill; $149.99.

A large number of pediatric visits, particularly in the emergency room are due to Otolaryngologic disorders. Pediatric Otolarngology: Practical Clinical Management is a comprehensive textbook that deals with the clinical management of practically every problem, from the simplest to the most complex, in the pediatric head, neck, and ear. The book is edited by Dr. R. W. Clarke, a renowned pediatric otolaryngologist in the UK, with contributions from more than 30 other distinguished co-authors in the same field from various countries. Many of the authors participate in the British Pediatric Otolaryngology course held annually. Thus, the reader is assured of accurate information and provided with advanced clinical guidance from a large team of international specialists from around the world.

The text is subdivided into 6 parts. It begins with an introduction to pediatric otolaryngology with some nuances of dealing with the pediatric patient during the clinical visit in the office and/or the pediatric ER as well as some important aspects to be aware of when dealing with pediatric anesthesia and the peri operative care of children. Part 2 is exclusively devoted to disorders of the external, middle and inner ear, with special chapters dealing with the relatively common but complex problems of cholesteatoma and facial palsy. One of the highlights of this book is the comprehensive coverage of topics, which are unique to children. This is evident in Part 3 that is entirely dedicated to the clinical and surgical management of the hearing-impaired child.
The remaining divisions of the book deal with nasal and sinus disorders, including airway obstruction in children, congenital and acquired disorders of the larynx, and issues related to the management of tracheostomy and its complications. Pediatric head and neck disorders are dealt with in the final part of this book. The text is well written with numerous illustrations, diagrams, and several clinical photographs and radiology images to better elucidate the topic in discussion.

Overall, this is a clinical guidebook which encompasses each and every common (and uncommon) disease/disorder one might come across while dealing with ear, nose, and throat problems in children. This book provides information to medical students, residents, and practicing clinicians with regard to the management of children with otolaryngologic disorders in the clinic, hospital, and the operating room setting. This book will also serve as a clinical and reference textbook not only to specialist pediatric otolaryngologists, but also to general otolaryngologists, many of whom work in hospital and clinic settings where both adult and pediatric patients are cared for.

Pediatric Otolaryngology: Practical Clinical Management
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