Digital Radiography in Practice

Carroll QB, M.Ed.,R.T. (R). Digital Radiography in Practice. Charles C. Thomas 2019; 220 pp; 173 ill; $39.95.

digital radiographyFor those departments that have a radiology technologist training program, Digital Radiography in Practice, would be extremely valuable to their students. Even for residents in a diagnostic radiology program, the information and details contained in this 220-page book would be of help as they prepare for their core examinations in radiology.

This book combines well written chapters with proper radiographs and drawings. The text explains the basics of digital radiographs, illustrations, and drawings, in addition to the fundamentals of digital imaging and acquisition, image evaluation, processing information, display, and quality control, among other key topics. This would be a good addition to any departmental library.

Digital Radiography in Practice
Book Reviews
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