3D Atlas of Neurologic Disorders

3d-atlas-nowinskiNowinski WL, Chua BC, Wut Yi SH. 3D Atlas of Neurologic Disorders. Thieme; 2015; $299.99

This Atlas comes on a thumb drive and allows one to easily access key anatomic and associated pathologic disorders on vivid and spectacular rendering of the brain with associated vasculature, nerves, and supporting structures. One is able to see the displays in 3D color displays of tracts, deep structures, and their interconnections. While at first one might consider this an anatomic display, the power of the material is to show in 3D where lesions lie in a host of neurologic diseases. One can scroll across images in various projections while labels of the structures pop up. The 30-page glossary contained in the thumb drive has definitions of virtually every neurologic term one could imagine; this in itself is valuable. Concerning the disorders, one can, for example, click on what is called a “disturbance of temperature conservation”, and the display takes you directly to deep brain structures with a lesion shown at the level of the hypothalamus. Syndromes — Benedikt’s Syndrome, as an example — are beautifully shown, with a white lesion in the 3D display of the midbrain with the nearby nerves and tracts also depicted. Importantly, with each disorder there is a description of the clinical findings in a bullet-like format.

What the authors have presented to us is a unique, innovative way of teaching anatomy and demonstrating some intracranial pathologic conditions. It is recommended as a strong teaching tool, suitable for any radiology or neuroradiology library.

3D Atlas of Neurologic Disorders
Editorial Office
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