Kalnins AU, Halm K, Castillo M. Screening for Self-Plagiarism in a Subspecialty-versus-General Imaging Journal Using iThenticate. http://www.ajnr.org/content/36/6/1034.full
The prevalence of self-plagiarism in 2 journals was investigated using commercially available plagiarism software. Self-plagiarism was low in both journals, but slightly higher in AJNR than in Radiology. Because the annual cost of screening all manuscripts is relatively low, broad screening may be justified to avoid the negative impact of self-plagiarism.
Ramalho JN, Tedesqui G, Ramalho M, et al. Evidence Levels for Neuroradiology Articles: Low Agreement among Raters. http://www.ajnr.org/content/36/6/1039.full
Rating of articles by the original manuscript reviewers and 3 other radiologists at different time points was investigated in 100 AJNR articles. The results show that the levels-of-evidence criteria adopted for use in AJNR did not allow consistent manuscript classification between readers or even by the same reader at 2 time points.
Welker K, Boxerman J, Kalnin A, et al. ASFNR Recommendations for Clinical Performance of MR Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Imaging of the Brain. http://www.ajnr.org/content/36/6/E41.full
This article discusses the utility of DSC perfusion MR imaging in the setting of tumors and ischemia and suggests guidance on its implementation, processing, interpretation, and reporting.