Gilroy AM, MacPherson BR, Ross LM, eds. Atlas of Anatomy. Second Edition. Thieme 2012, 704 pages, 2200 illustrations, $79.99.
The second edition of Atlas of Anatomy contains exquisite artist drawings of detailed anatomy of the entire body. Of particular interest to neuroradiologists who wish to review critical anatomy would be the 144 pages on head and neck anatomy, and the areas of the book dealing with the brachial plexus and lumbosacral plexus. A strong anatomic review of the spine, its contents, and vascular supply/drainage is present. Of course, for other non-neuro areas of the body, the drawings are equally excellent. Embedded in parts of the text are some radiographic images and scattered clinical notes. As with many texts these days, a scratch-off code allows web access to images and quiz material. This atlas is highly recommended for any divisional or departmental library.