Morris J, Jankovic J. Neurological Clinical Examination. Hodder Arnold; 2012; 134 pgs.; $31.96
Carpenter R, Reddi B. Neurophysiology: A Conceptual Approach. Hodder Arnold; 2012; 448 pgs.; 510 illustrations; $44.76
For those who wish to brush up on clinical aspects of neurological disease and the neurological sciences, two books (published in 2012) should be of interest. The first, Neurological Clinical Examination by Drs. Morris and Jankovic, takes the reader through 15 separate clinical scenarios/presentations, and describes and illustrates (by video download) the examinations and findings. The second book, Neurophysiology: A Conceptual Approach by Drs. Carpenter and Reddi, allows one to review concepts (often long forgotten), on key aspects of neurophysiology. This book comes with a scratch off companion website.
Good to get back to the basics!