
Comparison of [18F] FDG-PET/MRI and Clinical Findings for Assessment of Suspected Lumbar Facet Joint Pain: A Prospective Study to Characterize Candidate Nonanatomic Imaging Biomarkers and Potential Impact on Management

Fellows’ Journal Club Ten patients with clinically suspected facetogenic low back pain were prospectively recruited with a designation of specific facet joints implicated clinically. Subsequently, patients underwent an FDG-PET/MR imaging examination with gadolinium. Each facet joint was graded for perifacet

2019-20 Oncologic Neuroradiology Fellowship – UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

2019-20 Oncologic Neuroradiology Fellowship – UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

We are currently looking to fill our position for the Oncologic Neuroradiology Fellowship for 2019-2020 at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. For additional program information please visit: https://bit.ly/2DTiDOR Why MD Anderson Fellowship at a top ranked cancer center in

Analysis of 30 Spinal Angiograms Falsely Reported as Normal in 18 Patients with Subsequently Documented Spinal Vascular Malformations

Fellows’ Journal Club Eighteen patients with 19 lesions underwent a total of 30 negative spinal angiograms. The lesions included 9 epidural arteriovenous fistulas, 8 dural arteriovenous fistulas, and 2 perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas. Seventeen patients underwent endovascular (11) or surgical (6)

Clinically Feasible Microstructural MRI to Quantify Cervical Spinal Cord Tissue Injury Using DTI, MT, and T2*-Weighted Imaging: Assessment of Normative Data and Reliability

Fellows’ Journal Club Forty healthy subjects underwent T2WI, DTI, magnetization transfer, and T2*WI at 3T in <35 minutes using standard hardware and pulse sequences. Cross-sectional area, fractional anisotropy, magnetization transfer ratio, and T2*WI WM/GM signal intensity ratio were calculated. Reliable

Intraforaminal Location of Thoracolumbar Radicular Arteries Providing an Anterior Radiculomedullary Artery Using Flat Panel Catheter Angiotomography

Fellows’ Journal Club Ninety-four flat panel catheter angiotomography acquisitions obtained during the selective injection of intersegmental arteries providing an anterior radiculomedullary artery were reviewed. The location of radicular arteries could be ascertained in 78/94 flat panel catheter angiotomography acquisitions. Fifty-three